MV - Maldives

When to go:

The climate of the Maldives is monsoon. The dry monsoon is established from December to April and is characterized by weak and infrequent rains.

The wet monsoon, from May to November, brings more frequent torrential rains that can last a few hours and sometimes whole days.

Since the Maldives are located in the tropical equatorial belt, they are normally not subject to hurricanes.

The average temperatures vary between 26 ° (min) and 31 ° C (max) all year round in the intermediate areas between the north and south of the archipelago, with very limited daily and night temperature excursions everywhere.

The hottest month is April, although the driest and sunniest are February and March; moreover, the constant presence of the monsoon breeze attenuates the sensation of heat and heat, making the climate, outside of the very rainy periods, certainly appreciable despite the decidedly high average relative humidity (however constant throughout the day, therefore around 75 % -80% both at night and during the day). The water temperature fluctuates between 28-29 ° C in extralagunar waters and 30-32 ° C in lagoons.

The maximum rainfall occurs in the months between May and December, while in February and March they are very low; January and April are transition months, with rainfall varying from year to year. At the change of the monsoon (mid-May and late November) violent downpours or thunderstorms often occur, with constant intense winds or gusts that can last several days.

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