GT - Guatemala

When to go:

In most of Guatemala it is hot (27/35 ° C) depending on the time of year and location, with afternoon thunderstorms that generally lower the temperature a little. Nel’altos, or plateau, the climate is generally a little cooler (25/31 ° C) depending on the time of year.

Early December-late April is “verano” (summer) in Guatemala and therefore a good time for a visit. In fact, during this period of the year the dry season begins and the hotels take advantage of it to check higher prices, even more coinciding with the Christmas and Easter holidays, when the inhabitants of the great Guatemalan cities also go to the holiday resorts.

However, it must be considered that the climate in Guatemala is not uniform and varies from region to region, influenced by the altitude even before the seasons. While in fact on the Pacific and Caribbean sides it is hot all year round, on the plateau temperatures are much milder and the nights are even cold including the early morning hours.

The rainiest region of all is Petén, covered by a dense forest cover. The Caribbean side follows where the weather is more volatile. In the Pacific region, the rains are less capricious and remain limited to the May-October period only.

If you hate the crowds and have a choice, avoid the purely Christmas season when the hotels are crowded.

If you plan to take a detour on the Caribbean coast (not beautiful) remember that, after September, the danger of hitting a typhoon is high.

Sunrise occurs between 5:30 am and 6:30 am, while sunset between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm, depending on the time of year.

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