JM - Jamaica

Geographical notes:
The island has a mountainous relief and an intense seismic activity. In the eastern part of the island, the crystalline massif of the Blue Mountains rises, culminating at 2 256 m in the Blue Mountain Peak; in the center and to the west there is a limestone plateau (460 m of average altitude) where karst formations have developed which create spectacular landscapes (Cockpit Country in the north-west). On the periphery of these reliefs there are alluvial plains, mainly extended to the south and west, while in the north and east they shrink or disappear.

When to go:
The climate is tropical, with high temperatures ranging between 23 ° C and 31 ° C and with a high humidity rate (around 75-80%) during mid-year, from December to May where we have a drier season, while in November a large part of the rains are concentrated. The most intense rains occur on the north coast of Portland, where Port Antonio is located. The sea has a temperature between 24 and 30 ° C. The months of September and October are at risk of hurricanes.

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